The following options exist:
Search for and read a chat's messages. How you are notified about incoming messages:
If there are unread messages, the chat icon in the menu bar will be marked with a red dot.
You can set the following notifications in the chat settings:
A sound will be played for incoming messages.
If the groupware is in the background, a desktop notification will be displayed.
If you are offline, you will receive an E-Mail notification with the content of the chat message. If you reply to this E-Mail, the reply will be inserted in the chat.
send messages and files to a group or single contact
Reply to an earlier message. The original message will be quoted in your reply.
How to read a message:
Select a chat from the list.
Chats with unread messages will be displayed as follows:
The name of the chat will be displayed in bold letters.
A figure indicates the number of unread messages.
Read the conversation's messages. To view earlier messages in this conversation, use the icons on the right border to scroll up.
To search for chats, enter a search term in the
input field.
How to send a message:
Use one of the following methods:
To start a new chat, click the
icon .Select a conversation type in the menu.
To proceed with an existing chat, select a chat from the list. The chat's messages exchanged so far will be displayed.
Enter a message in the input field.
If you close the chat window or open another chat while entering your message, your input will be kept as long as you stay signed in to the groupware.
To send the message, press [Enter] or click the
icon .For private chats, an icon next to the message indicates your message's read status:
A gray check mark: The message has been arrived on the server.
Two gray check marks: The message has been transferred by the server to the recipient.
Two blue check marks: The message has been read by the recipient.
To create a line break within a message, press [Shift]+[Enter].
If you send the message to a group, you can address a contact specifically. To do so, enter [@] followed by the person's name and the message. The contact addressed will see a red marker at the group name in the list.
In order to send emojis, click the
icon next to the input field. A window with emojis opens. Select at least one emoji.To close the window, again click the
icon .In order to send files, click the
icon next to the input field. Select at least one file.You can also drag one file or several files from a file browser or the desktop to the chat field.
Note: For security reasons, executable files can not be sent.
To view all previous sent or received files, click on
in the list.To format a message text, use the following characters:
This word is printed in _italic_.
This word is printed in *bold*.
This word is ~crossed out~.
This is `program code` within a line.
This is ```program code in a block
Code line 1
Code line 2
Note: For the line breaks in the program code, use [Shift]+[Return].
How to reply to a message:
In the chat field, go to a message.
Click the
icon next to the message. Select .The message and its sender will be quoted in the message field.
Enter your reply in the message field.
To send the reply, press [Enter] or click the
icon .User interface:
Related topics:
Parent topic: Working with Messages